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Welland Academy Attendance Policy Guidelines

At the Welland Academy we believe that regular attendance and punctuality is essential for learning.

The Academy policies regarding Attendance, Behaviour and Safeguarding are available on this website under the section ‘About Us’ and then ‘Academy Policies’. They are also available upon request from the Main Office.

Why does attendance matter? Daily punctual attendance, will give your child the best opportunity to reach their full academic and social potential. Research shows that poor or late attendance disrupts routines and can seriously affect learning. Your child should not miss school, unless there are unavoidable causes such as illness. Section 175 of the Education Act 2002 states that safeguarding the interests of children is everyone’s responsibility and The Academy includes within this remit, regular and punctual attendance.

Our whole school target is 96%

Parents/carers need to understand their role and responsibilities for attendance and the consequences of their child having unauthorised absence from The Academy.

What time should my child arrive?

The Academy has a Breakfast Club.  If you would like your child to attend Breakfast Club please speak to the Academy Office who will provide you with a registration form.  Breakfast Club is charged at £2 per day.  If your child attends Breakfast Club you should supervise your child in the main reception area until the club opens at 8.15am. The Academy gates open at 8.30am. Parent/carers are advised to supervise younger children until the classroom is open. The register is open from 8.45am and closes at 9.00am. If your child arrives after the register closes they will receive a mark that shows them to be onsite, but this an unauthorised absence.

How is good attendance recognised?  

The Academy recognises good attendance every Monday. We will report on your child's attendance in the mid year reports.

What if my child is absent?

If your child is ill, contact The Academy on the first morning/afternoon of absence to explain. The Academy may send a letter, telephone or visit you at home as part of our safeguarding process You may also be asked to provide supporting evidence, such as a medicine bottle, certificate or appointment card upon your child’s return, so that the absence can be authorised. Where possible routine doctor, optician and dental appointments should be made after 3:20pm when the Academy Day finishes or during school holidays. Family holidays, birthdays, looking after siblings, acting as interpreter and shopping will be unauthorised absence. If in doubt contact The Academy Office for advice.

What if I want a holiday?

There are 175 non-school days in which to take a family holiday. In the event of an exceptional circumstance you are advised to contact The Academy immediately. These are considered on a case by case basis and may be authorised, providing there is evidence to support the need for the absence and must be agreed prior to the absence occurring.

What will The Academy do if I am having problems getting my child to attend?

The Academy will work with parent/carers to help improve attendance and remove barriers to education whenever possible. We work closely with agencies such as the School Nurse Service to offer advice, guidance and support. If your child has or develops a medical condition that prevents regular and punctual attendance, please contact The Academy Office as soon as possible or speak to the class teacher, who will direct you to the appropriate support. If your child is truanting or reluctant to attend, talk to them and try to find out the reason why. Then speak to a member of staff, who will try and offer solutions or direct you to the appropriate support. If we have not heard from you then we will contact you by telephone on the first day of absence. In the event that we are unable to contact you or there are safeguarding concerns a home visit may be made. A letter of advice will be sent if your child’s attendance falls below our target. If there is no improvement we will offer you a meeting to try and formulate an action plan to help you improve your child’s attendance. This may include a parenting contract. All contact with you is recorded and stored in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 in your child’s records. This means it can be called upon if an offence is committed or to prevent an offence occurring.

What will happen if my child does not attend regularly?

If regular unauthorised absences are recorded then the parent/carers have committed an offence under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996. This may lead to a court appearance, prosecution, education supervision orders and if found guilty the parent/carer will have a criminal record. Alternatively under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, Penalty Notices can be issued. They do not result in a court appearance but still aim to improve attendance. They can be issued when:

  •  Unauthorised absence in any 8 week period is 10% or more.  
  • A single unauthorisedabsence event of at least 2 consecutive days or more.
  • This can include being late after the register has closed, unauthorised holiday or an unexplained absence.

Any questions? Staff with attendance responsibilities are:

Mrs R Dawkins - Attendance Officer

Mrs Anderson- Principal