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Intent, Implementation, Impact


At Welland Academy, we believe that a quality English curriculum should develop children’s love of reading, writing and discussion.  

Reading lies at the heart of the curriculum at Welland Academy. We wish for our pupils to become lifelong readers and believe that reading is the key for academic success. 

We intend for our children to develop a love for writing and be able to express their thoughts and ideas through the written word. We will enable pupils to confidently use the essential skills of grammar, punctuation, and spelling. At Welland Academy we set high expectations for children to take pride in the presentation of their work using a fluent, cursive handwriting style.  

‘By teaching students to become more effective speakers and listeners we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them’ (Voice 21).




  • Children take part in daily whole-class guided reading lessons where they are exposed to a range of different text types. These text types are explored using the reading domains (Define it, retrieve it, summarise it, infer it, predict it, relate it, explore it and compare it).
    To support with this, we use reading for inference strategies 

  • Each classroom has a welcoming book corner with a range of fiction and non-fiction books that children can access 

  • Children are read to each day by their class teacher following a whole school reading spine of quality texts 

  • KS1 children read phonetically decodable books matched to their phonics phase 

  • Once phonic knowledge is secure children use Accelerated Reader  



At Welland Academy, we teach children to write for a range of purposes. Focussing our writing through audience and purpose is fundamental for our children to understand the 'effects' we want to have on the reader. These are planned through a 'boxing up' approach at the beginning of any sequence of writing. During this, children also learn what 'ingredients' are needed to create the 'effect' they require.  The 'ingredients' are linked to The Write Stuff lenses.

When teaching writing, teachers follow a method called ‘sentence stacking’. Sentence stacking refers to the fact that sentences are grouped together chronologically or organisationally to engage children with short, intensive moments of learning that they can apply immediately to their writing. During these lessons, children are taught explicitly vocabulary, how to craft and punctuate sentences and reflect on the 'effect' it has on a reader. Throughout the writing unit, they are exposed to a range of texts of a similar genre/ text type to ensure that they are confident with the style of writing. This supports them with their final independent piece.



At Welland Academy we are very excited to be working with Voice 21, following a three-year programme, we intend to embed oracy throughout the curriculum.  


Children learn to write in a cursive style from Year 1. When children have consistently neat, joined handwriting they are awarded a pen licence. At Welland Academy we use Letter-join to support the teaching of handwriting.







By the time children leave Welland Academy they have been exposed to a range of genres and participated in discussions about books. They will have read a vast range of books to enhance their knowledge and understanding and communicate to a wider audience.  


Pupils will have made good progress from their individual starting points. By the time they leave Welland Academy, they will be able to write clearly for different contexts, purposes and audiences. Our children will acquire an extended vocabulary and most importantly will have developed a love for writing.  



‘Through a high quality oracy education, students learn through talk and to talk’ Voice 21. Children will leave Welland Academy as confident communicators who can use talk to convey their thoughts, ideas and understanding.  



Welland Academy uses the SCODE scheme which uses sound and code to support spelling. It is a phonics based system.

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