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Above all we want our children to enjoy maths and to do this we want to expose them to a broad mathematical curriculum that involves fluency practice, problem-solving and reason. We want our children to have no limits to what their abilities are and grow up with a secure mathematical understanding which will help lead them onto their future path.

New aspects of learning are taught using the ‘Concert, Pictorial, Abstract’ approach and children are readily encouraged to use this to support their learning; enabling all children to experience the same learning while having a hands-on approach.

We believe that all children can achieve in maths and to do this we follow the national curriculum for mathematics.


Welland Academy had adopted the Mastery Approach in maths, we achieve this by:

  • Mathematics is taught on a daily maths starting in EYFs through to Year 6. Each class provides a minimum of one hour per day.
  • Small steps are carefully  planned so that children do not move on too quickly and progress is not made
  • The use of the NCETM and White Rose Maths planning is used to create a personalised curriculum designed to meet the needs of our children
  • Working maths boards are used to support children’s learning and recall; all will demonstrate the built it, draw it, write it say it approach.
  • We predominantly use a mixed ability approach so that children can learn from and support each other
  •  Vocabulary from each unit of work is displayed all year round to support understanding and encourage rich mathematical talk
  • Mathematical discussion with peers
  • Lessons use a ‘Concert, Pictorial, Abstract’ to guide children through their leaning
  • Concrete equipment is easily accessible 
  • Retrieval practice is used to ensure that previous taught topics are embedded into the long term memory
  • Where possible links are made with other subjects across the curriculum
  • Pre- and post-assessment delivered through carefully planned tasks that are interactive for the teacher and children.
  • Times Table Rockstars is used to support and promote times tables. Children's progress is closely monitored with the use of a heat map, which will highlight the timetables that teachers need to support children to learn. 
  • All children in KS 1 have access to a Rekenrek to support number sense. Teachers deliver a carefully planned and sequenced 15 minutes session daily that underpins and embeds children's number knowledge. 
  • All children in KS2 have access to Rekenreks to support the understanding of the four operations.
  • Daily number sense is delivered in EYFS and KS1
  • EYFs deliver a mastery curriculum through the six key areas of learning: cardinality and counting, comparison, composition, pattern, shape and space and measure.  
  • Marking is carefully used to support the children in the next step of their learning



As a result of our approach:

  • All children are activity engaged and challenged
  • We are developing mathematically confident children who can talk about their maths
  • Children are equipped to approach their learning in a variety of ways
  • The gap between children’s knowledge is become increasingly smaller


Please see below for the calculation policy, adopted from White Rose.

We encourage the children to practice their times tables at home as well as at school. All children from Year 2-6 have a log in. To access ttrockstars please click here.