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Religious Education


Religious Education (RE) is important for all pupils and with an ever-growing diversity in the society we live in, it is crucial children are provided the opportunity to be equipped with the understanding and skills needed to show mutual respect, tolerance in a diverse society and skills to enable a sense of self-identity. It enables pupils to learn from and about religion to enable them to understand the world they live in. It plays a crucial role alongside other curriculum areas, in developing social awareness and understanding.

Our curriculum aims to promote an environment where all children feel known, accepted and valued as individuals while encouraging creativity, enquiry, debate, discussions and independence. We want to equip children with not only the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum, but prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.


At Welland Academy we aim for pupils:

  • To acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of the principal religions represented in our local area.
  • To be provided the opportunities to develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • To be exposed to the ways that religious beliefs shape life and behaviour.
  • To be encouraged to ask questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences.
  • To explore themes and concepts within religion, drawing on beliefs from a range of different faiths and world views


Implementation & Impact

RE is taught on a weekly basis in each class. The lessons are carefully planned and delivered in a variety of ways to ensure all children have the opportunity to access and participate in them. Lessons are planned to provide opportunities for children to partake in interactive and physical activities which encourages them to discuss their ideas and extend their understanding.

Our Curriculum:

As a school, we use the scheme Discovery RE to teach RE. Discovery RE advocates an enquiry model with a 4-step approach as their underpinning basis.

Every unit is based around a key question which is used as a basis of enquiry. The enquiry question demands an answer that weighs up evidence learnt throughout the unit. Pupils are provided the opportunity to develop their knowledge of a variety of world faiths, build an awareness of the beliefs, values and traditions of other individuals, societies, communities and cultures.

Our curriculum places a huge emphasis on the philosophy that children are free to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief. We do not aim to persuade but rather to inform and develop the skills in which children can make their own decisions. The curriculum achieves this through focusing on critical thinking skills and opportunities of personal reflection about own thoughts and feelings.

The key religions taught include:

  • Christianity
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism
  • Sikhism
  • Islam
  • Buddhism


The quality of the curriculum and its impact on our pupils will be gauged through regular discussions with pupils and staff members, through the evidence created during lessons and from whole class discussions and debates. The impact will also be seen through children being able to reflect and consider important questions while expressing their own beliefs confidently using the knowledge provided in lessons.


Parental Right to Withdraw from Religious Education (RE)

We respect the rights of parents and carers regarding their child’s education. Under current legislation, parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of Religious Education (RE) lessons. This includes activities related to Religious Education that do not form part of the statutory National Curriculum.

If you wish to exercise this right, we ask that you inform the school in writing, detailing whether you are withdrawing your child from all or specific parts of the RE curriculum. We are happy to discuss any concerns you may have and provide further information to help you make an informed decision.