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Year 3 Pakistan

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Welcome to Pakistan Class

Class teacher - Miss Dean

Teaching Assistants - Miss Davidson & Mrs Setchfield


On a Thursday and a Friday we will be having PE. Please ensure that your child comes to school in a full Welland Academy PE kit (Welland Academy PE top, black shorts, tracksuit bottoms or leggings and trainers). Children may also wear a black hooded top with the school logo or their purple cardigan/jumper.


On a Thursday afternoon (Autumn term only), we will be going swimming. Please make sure your child comes to school with a swimming costume, a swimming towel and a swimming hat. 


Water bottles

Children are allowed to bring a water bottle in to school to have during break times and lunchtimes. Please make sure that this is just water and not juice.



Reading books are sent home and children are encouraged to read at home 3/4 times a week. We give rewards to children who read at home every day and bring their books to school every day. If a child is on Accelerated Reader, they will complete a comprehension quiz at school and then the book will be changed if they pass. 


Our Learning This Year:

Autumn Term

During the Autumn term, we will be learning about the Stone Age to the Iron Age in history and Forces and Magnets in science.

In history, we will be exploring what life was like in the Stone Age through to the Iron Age. To support our learning, we will be going on a visit to Flag Fen to investigate historical artefacts and deepen our understanding of the topic. During our history lessons at school, we will be using enquiry skills to investigate the past and compare this to modern day living.

In science, we will be investigating different materials and using this knowledge when learning about forces and magnets. We will also learn about magnetism and different magnets, conducting experiments to support us with our understanding.


Spring Term

During the spring term, we will be learning about Ancient Greece in geography/history and The Mighty Earth in science.

In geography and history, we will be looking at Ancient Greece and comparing this to the modern day. We will also be researching different Greek gods and goddesses and using this knowledge to have discussions and debates in class. 

In science, we will be learning about the earth, focusing on rocks, fossils and soil. We will use our scientific enquiry skills to learn about the key parts of our earth and why they are so important. 


Summer Term

During the summer term, our topics will be The Bigger Picture in geography and history and Ready, Steady Grow! in science.

During The Bigger Picture, we will focus on local history and how this has changed over time. We will also be using our geographical skills such as fieldwork, measuring, recording and the investigation of human and physical features. We will then compare the local area to other places in the world.

In science, we will be learning about plants and animals in our topic 'Ready, Steady Grow!'. We will explore the requirements needed for plants and animals life and growth and the role they play in the food chain.