PE is on Wednesday and Thursday
Please make sure your child brings a named water bottle and their reading book and record to school every single day.
Reading is very important. Please ensure your child reads regularly at home and is changing his or her book on a regular basis. Children can access Accelerated Reader tests which they will need to pass in order to select a new book. They can also access these at home using their Year 4 launchpad.
We have a reading tree in our classroom. Each time your child reads at home please comment in their reading record. Every Friday we will check how many reads they have completed in order to give them a leaf for the tree. A certificate will be awarded for every ten reads. The aim is to reach 100! A certificate and prize will be given for 50 and 100 reads. The children are very excited about this, please support them to read at home, so they can add their leaves to the tree.
Our whole school rules are:
1. Be ready
2. Be respectful
3. Be safe
Please ensure your child uses Times Tables Rockstars at home, login details are located in the front of their reading records. We will also be setting homework every week on Atom Learning. This will be set every Wednesday and due in by the following Tuesday evening.
Please remember that Year 4 will have a timetables check in June and therefore need to be accessing and practising their timetables regularly. Please practise your timetables using TT Rockstars:
Throughout the year, we will be looking at a range of writing formats, from informal to formal and with fiction and non-fiction. We will be writing narratives, letters, diaries, non-chronological reports and poems. We look forward to seeing how your child’s writing develops throughout the year!
This year, we will be covering the whole year 4 curriculum in our mathematics learning, including the following areas:
Place Value up to and including 1000’s
Addition and subtraction up to and including 4-digit numbers
Multiplication and division up to and including 4-digit numbers
Fractions and decimals
Statistics and measurement
Please remember that your child should come in the appropriate uniform for school. This means that they should have:
Academy polos shirt with purple stripe (plain white polo shirts may also be worn)
Academy sweatshirt or cardigan, in purple, with the Academy logo
Grey trousers or skirt or pinafore dress (jeans and cords are not allowed)
Grey socks with trousers, grey or white socks or grey tights with skirts
One Academy book bag
One Academy PE bag
Pupils should also have:
Sensible black shoes (not boots or trainers)
A warm coat (not denim) for travelling to and from the Academy
Please see the uniform section under ‘parents’ if you require any more information.
We are learning about two different units over the autumn term, ‘Rivers, Mountains and Volcanoes’ and ‘We are scientists’.
Rivers, Mountains and Volcanoes is our geography unit, focusing on looking at both the human and physical geography of rivers, mountains and volcanoes both within the UK and worldwide. We will be discussing the water cycle and how it works in with our environment. To support the children’s learning in this topic, we will be visiting Ferry Meadows to explore the rivers in our local area.
We are scientists is our science topic for this term which will be focusing on the digestive system, teeth and food chains. Both of the knowledge organisers for these units can be found at the bottom of our class page in the attachments. These contain the key facts and vocabulary which we will be teaching the children throughout the units.
This term we will be learning about two different units, ‘Romans’ and ‘States of Matter’.
Romans is our history unit, focusing on learning about how the Romans came to and made changes to Britain. We will learn about things that are still relevant in the present, and link it to our maths learning about Roman numerals.
States of Matter is the science topic for this term. Throughout this unit, we will be learning about solids, liquids and gases and how they change. We will conduct experiments and explore how we can change states of matter.
Our focus for this term is history and science with ‘Saxons and Vikings’ and ‘Electricity and sound’.
Our history focus for this term is 'Saxons and Vikings'. During this time, we will be looking into the key events, people and history of both the Saxons and Vikings.
In our science unit, we will be investigating how electricity works and how sound travels to our ears for us to be able to hear it. We will be experimenting with this to explore how it works for each of us.
Throughout the year we will be filling the rest of our time with R.E, PSHE, Spanish, SCODE spelling, Art and P.E. Stay tuned for our Year 4 news appearing on the website!
As always, if you need to speak to the class teacher then you can find us at the classroom door where we can arrange a meeting time. Thank you for your support with your child's learning.